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Royal Navy Casualties

Wright, CJG

By April 5, 2014No Comments

Wright, CBiographical Notes

Extract from “The Royal Gazette & Colonialist” reporting on loss:

“Paymaster Lieutenant Wright, who was widely known in Bermuda, served with the Canadian Army in the last war and saw action in France. Believed to have enlisted at that time while still under age, he was one of the youngest serving overseas with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces.

Buckingham Palace to Mrs Wright

He spent most of his life in Canada and had many friends in Montreal and Toronto. Born in India, he was educated during his early youth in England.

He came to Bermuda in about the year 1931 as an insurance agent, eventually joining the staff of Gosling Brothers as an accountant. He was for many years a member of theBermuda War Veterans’ Association and an accountant of the Headquarters Committee.

In 1935 he joined the Bermuda Volunteer Engineers, and at the outbreak of war in 1939 he was a corporal with his unit. Anxious to see action of some kind in the service of his King, he trained himself for service with the Royal Navy and his efforts were subsequently rewarded. He joined the Dunedin (in August 1940) at Bermuda and became Paymaster Lieutenant.”