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Annual Reunion and Remembrance Service, Sunday 24th November 2024

This year’s Reunion and Remembrance Service will take place on Sunday 24th November at the Royal Naval Memorial, Southsea, starting at 1.00 pm and continuing with an informal gathering at the Royal Maritime Hotel, Portsmouth. The usual arrangements will apply, but more details will be posted here shortly and Dunedin Society members will receive an email. 

Another date for your diary: the 85th Anniversary of the loss of HMS Dunedin, Saturday 21st November 2026. On this day, we shall hold a Remembrance Service at the Royal Naval Memorial, Southsea, and a formal gathering of Dunedin Society members for presentations, discussions and viewing of artefacts and documents. We expect this to be a fairly large meeting, so please put this date in your diary and check back here for updates.   


30th July is the anniversary of the sinking of USS Indianapolis, with the loss of nearly 900 men in 1945. We wish the USS Indianapolis Legacy Organisation well on their day of remembrance.   

The Dunedin Society’s tribute to the men of USS Indianapolis

In tribute to the memory of USS Indianapolis and her men, members of the Dunedin Society recorded a short video to mark the 79th anniversary of the sinking of USS Indianapolis. You can see it through this link:

HMS Dunedin tribute

In recent months, The Dunedin Society has been talking to members of the CA-35 Legacy, the organisation which preserves the memory of the men of USS Indianapolis. Every year, on 30th July, members of the organisation gather for their Annual Watch at their memorial in Indianapolis to commemorate the men who lost their lives when USS Indianapolis was sunk by two Japanese torpedoes in 1945. Though larger in scale, the fate of USS Indianapolis was remarkably similar to what happened to HMS Dunedin. Two torpedoes, huge loss of life, and days in the water.

From a ship’s company of 1,195, only 317 men of USS Indianapolis survived.

Our two organisations share so much in our outlook and our aims and we look forward to continuing our new relationship with our friends in Indianapolis and across the United States. This year, we extend our hand of friendship in a common cause to preserve the memory of those who were lost.

For the whole story of USS Indianapolis, see their website here: C-35 Legacy Organization

HMS Dunedin Society, 30th July 2023


Annual Reunion: Thursday 24th November 2022

Members of the HMS Dunedin Society gathered at the Royal Naval Memorial, Southsea, to mark the anniversary of the sinking of HMS Dunedin, on Thursday 24th November. Twenty-three of us braved a cold coastal wind – but thankfully no rain – to pay tribute to the men of HMS Dunedin. Click here to see a larger photo of the group.


Summer Reunion, June 2022

Members of the HMS Dunedin Society met for a summer reunion and remembrance ceremony in the beautiful and serene surroundings of the National Memorial Arboretum on Sunday 19th June. Gathered around the HMS Dunedin memorial plinth, members conducted a short ceremony of remembrance and laid wreaths in memory of all the men of HMS Dunedin.


The plinth was dedicated in 2003 and stands under the HMS Dunedin oak tree, planted at the same time. The plinth is showing its age and will need some repair and maintenance work in due course, but it was good to back at the Arboretum among friends old and new. After the ceremony and a bite to eat, the group gathered in the Arboretum Founders’ Room for a presentation and discussion about HMS Dunedin and her men.

Click here for a report of the day’s events and more photos.

Join Us

If you would like to join the Dunedin Society please-mail us here with your name and the name of the member of the ship’s company to whom you are associated. Please also let us have any information that you would like us to put on the website about your member of the ship’s company. It will form part of this permanent memorial to all the men who were part of HMS Dunedin.

Membership is entirely free, although, of course, we always welcome any donations you would like to make.

Blood in the Sea
Blood in the Sea: HMS Dunedin and the Enigma Code”, published in 2003, is the only book on HMS Dunedin. Click here to preview and buy


The Dunedin Society is our collective organisation designed to keep alive the memories of HMS Dunedin and her men. It is entirely voluntary and free to join and its membership is worldwide. The society organises commemorative events, including the annual 24th November ceremonies.
If you wish to find out more or have any information about HMS Dunedin that we could publicise on our website please Contact Us.
In Memoriam:
Lt-Cdr Chris Broadway
William Bowyer 


Website and email address updated

This website has been given an energy boost with an injection of fresh software and several tweaks to enhance its look and its technical stability. You will not notice too many differences, but we are hoping it will continue to provide you with useful information about HMS Dunedin and give you access to what has become a significant archive. As always, do send us suggestions for improvements and any additions you wish to make to the archive. 

Please note that our contact email address has changed to 


Did your relative or ancestor serve in HMS Dunedin?

Have a look on our Ship’s Company page where you will find lists of all the casualties and survivors of the sinking as well as a few names of those who served prior to November 1941. For those members of the ship’s company on whom we have specific information, they have their own pages. We update these pages from time to time with new information kindly sent to us. Latest updates include the pages for AJ Williams; the Watkins twins, John and George; Captain of the Royal Marines Richard Maul; Stoker Gordon Lowe; Able Seaman John Mullan; Stoker, 1st Class, JW (Jack) Harvey; Ordinary Seaman John Murray Wright,  and Leading Telegraphist Fred Hawks.