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Pre 1941

Sullivan, Henry

I am grateful to Mr Fred Larimore for sending me the following information in October 2007

Last April I obtained a single GV Naval LSGC named to “R.M.B. 2551 H. Sullivan Mus. H.M.S. Hood” He was serving on the Hood when he received his LSGC 23 Sept 1934. He served on the Hood for a good period of time from 11 Aug 1933 to 29 July 1936. He joined HMS Dunedin on 25 Aug 1939 and served on her to 23 Aug 1940. His 2nd period of engagement was up on 3 July 1940 but he remained mobilised on HMS Dunedin until 23 Aug 1940 so he was on the Dunedin during her North Patrol and her Caribbean Patrol in 1940. Henry was forced to leave the RMs on 30 October 1940 when he was found to be “Physically Unfit for R.M. Service.” He was lucky to be off the ship before she met up with the U-124. Being physically unfit he would probably not have survived. He was born on 4 July 1901 and enlisted in the RMB as a boy. He had 2 yrs 4 months and 1 day boys service. On his discharge he had 24 years 12 days service in the RMB. I wonder if you or someone remembers this man?  

I believe he would have qualified by his service on HMS Dunedin for the WWII medals:

1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Defence Medal; and War Medal